
News from COE Shipping GmbH & Co. KG in Buxtehude


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Review 2024

December 2024

First of all we would like to thank all of our Clients, Business- Partners and Friends for supporting us during this year. Without you we would not be were we are today.

We developed some new contacts and refreshed old relationships. We did learn a lot and we faced challenges that we did not expect.

But we actually look back on a good year!

The reason is that we did not stick to our usual ways but were thinking “outside the box”.
We had the very good fortune to take the right decision to expand our Operational side to become Charterers this year due to the faith of key performers of the industry believing in us.
That big decision for a growing company like ours was possible to be made because we know that we can rely on a team of experienced and dedicated shipping experts that proofed we can handle whatever comes our way.

In hindsight it means that even though with the challenges that were provided for our chartered Ships with the diverse placing of our Assets we go out of this year succeeding again. While the outlook for this year in our last years review was rather bleak, the year turned out anything but.

But again. It is still requested to stay vigilant for the next year. Will the war be over? Will bans be lifted? Will our old shipping grounds be open to our fleet again? Will we be able to compete in the long run for the business that saved us this year?
These questions will sound familiar to one or the other. Uncertainty will keep being a constant in our fast-paced industry and we can only hope for the best to come!

With those words our special thanks and gratitude goes to the people that make us US. The 
#TeamCOE: All our colleagues!

Thank you for your work, your passion and your dedication.
Thank you for the innovation, the creativity and the fun.

Cheers to the new year! Let’s raise the glass to the good things that will (hopefully) come our way!

And yours!

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